If I was to ask you if your life is perfect, how would you respond? Most people would think me crazy for even asking such a question. But I do believe your life and mine are perfect … just not in the way our conscious personality sees it. Let me see if I can clarify.
If you don’t believe your totality is body, mind and spirit, I suggest you skip this Article altogether. It will be too big a leap for you to make. But if you know that spirit is the non-physical, larger part of who you really are then I invite you to read on.
Before your spirit manifested you into this reality it had an agenda. There was much that it wanted to experience through the physical you so it orchestrated the perfect set of circumstances to do just that. You chose your parents, your siblings and teachers, your geography and even your economic situation. You could have been born into a Rockefeller or Kennedy family and been extremely wealthy or in a mud hut in Africa and been destined for a life of poverty: Probably for most of us it was somewhere in between. Before you took your first breath, the starting point and direction of your lifetime here was perfectly positioned … as seen through the eyes of your spirit.
Let’s continue the journey. In every waking moment of your life since that first breath, spirit has been “reading” your energetic vibration through your aura and chakra systems. It reads your thoughts and emotions and obeys the Law of Attraction by always returning like with like.
Negative thoughts and emotions result in negative experiences being drawn to us by a loving universe; and happily the opposite is also true. Your universe loves you so much that it wants for you what you want for yourself. Esther Hicks, channelling Abraham, wrote a life changing book on this subject called, “Ask And It Is Given.” I highly recommend the read. Responding only to what we think and feel, we always get what we “ask” for, even if it isn’t vocalized in English or French.
So what is spirit/the universe really? Simply put it’s God. Or call it Allah, Jehovah, Source or any name you choose for your Deity; because there is no separation between the Creator of All Things and the non-physical part of who you are. So I invite you now to ponder this next thought carefully. God can only create perfection! … Your spirit can only do the same.
But what if you find yourself with relationships that are less than perfect and poor health and perhaps lack of abundance; how “perfect” is that? Well, if you see your relationships as imperfect be assured you that the conflicts and dramas that trigger and emotionally suck you in only point the way to your own unresolved issues: Likewise with poor health and issues of poverty. Our universe provides a constant stream of wellbeing and our poor health and lack of wealth reflect our misalignment with it. We literally push it away with limiting beliefs and emotions and these are all issues for us to work through here on the physical plane. I really get that that is hard to swallow for many people, but if we keep looking outside ourselves for the answers to our misfortunes that is not a place from which we can heal our lives.
When we rail against our current situation and shout “No” at our miseries, we are in direct conflict with the loving spirit that has answered our every wish in the first place. We dishonor the perfection of our gifts from spirit. This places us out of alignment with the universe and the greater part of who we are. What’s worse, our focused attention on these poor relationships, bad health, poor circumstances and other miseries will only ensure they get bigger in our life, not smaller. The Law of Attraction will see to that. So what to do?
The simple answer is to accept what we have created as perfect – for that is exactly what it is. Realizing that the choices we have made along this journey have all been perfect in bringing us to this moment allows us to make peace with the past and move on. Acceptance of who we are in this perfect now moment unshackles us from past burdens like shame, guilt and unworthiness and other, so called, bad decisions. How liberating is that?
Understand that each and every one of us is a powerful creator of our own reality, whether we do it haphazardly with random thoughts and emotions, or deliberate intent towards a wonderful life. Taking responsibility for it all and making peace with the past by accepting its perfection is an enlightened first step.