In my line of work, I am asked quite often what exactly it is I do. Since I do not have a traditional occupation, this explanation often ends up with me replying that I am a holistic healer who practices a different sort of healing than most people are used to, but one that can have very effective long term results. By now, most people are very curious and usually want me to delve into this further, prompting a conversation that may be cut short depending on the words that I use. When I state that I am an Energy Healer, one of two things will happen: they will either run the other way thinking that I’m going to expose them to some sort of evil sounding, ritualistic type of healing where I will be able to take their personal power away from them and they will end up worse off than where they started, or, the other reaction which I highly prefer, is one of great interest and acceptance where they will proceed to tell me of all the “weird, cool and often unexplained” experiences they may have had in their lives. Then there are those who come to me because they have simply tried all the traditional, mostly Western type healings that have failed, and they are now willing to do “anything” to get better, whether it’s healing from an illness, disease, emotional or mental distress. Often, Energy Healing is the last type of healing on the list of things to try, when actually, it would help so many people if it were the first on the list. They could avoid months and years of illness, suffering and disharmonies in their lives.
So, exactly what is Energy Medicine? It is based on the principle that everything that has ever been created in the physical world (and that includes humans by the way) first began as energy. This energy that makes up everything physical comes from a very high vibrational Source which is vibrating so high, that it can not be detected with our five physical senses. The principle continues with the knowing that everything is body, mind and spirit. Most people believe that the body creates the mind which then creates the spirit. However, just the opposite is true. If we are to look at ourselves as true energetic beings, we will begin to understand that it is our spirit that first exists, which then creates the mind which then creates the body. Therefore, everything that gets onto the physical body must first begin as a thought, and this includes all disease and illness.
If you know anything at all about how we are made up energetically, you will know that there are several parts to this which include our chakra system, our aura, the meridians and if you are into yoga, the nadis. What most of us don’t understand is how powerful we are in actually creating things in our lives both positive and negative by simply having a thought or a belief about it. Sounds too easy, doesn’t it? If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, which has been written about extensively by Esther Hicks and Abraham, you will understand what I’m talking about. A positive thought produces a positive outcome just as a negative thought will produce a negative result. Disease, illness, emotional and mental disharmonies are usually the result of years of negative thinking that will actually “clog” up the energetic systems. Pain equals stuck energy, and although most people would look at the manifestation of disease or illness as a bad thing, it can actually be a helpful map to follow in unravelling the mysteries of why you are sick or can’t get on with your life in some way.
Energy Medicine treats the whole person, body, mind and spirit and seeks to rebalance these energies to allow the free flow of emotions, thought forms, belief systems and positive energy to flow back into the physical body. Remember, everything is created from the outside in, so yes, if you created it, you can also un-create it. You are that powerful.
The type of Energy Healing that my husband and I teach in our school has had wonderful results. These include many forms of hands on healing, protection and cleansing techniques, understanding and healing sub-personalities, inner child therapy, sound healing, along with the opportunity to clear out each chakra and all the issues associated with that chakra. Most of our students and clients have found what they need to heal the many aspects of their lives, and several have totally transformed themselves. Wouldn’t it be great to always feel in control of what comes your way so you can create joy, love, happiness and abundance in all its forms instead of feeling sad, victimized, lonely, or unworthy to live the life you deserve? That is what we all strive for in our lives and for us, Energy Medicine has been a wonderful tool that has been used over and over again in its many and various forms. We would encourage anyone who has questions about this very powerful healing process to contact us. In the coming months, I will be writing about several different aspects of this healing work, and next month, we will be covering the importance of being grounded and what that all means. Now, I can only hope I have piqued your interest in this subject and that you are not running the other way.