New Energy Conciousness

Tone Magazine – July 2008 Issue

If you click on our website, you’ll see that my wife Wendy and I call ourselves teachers of New Energy Consciousness and I must confess to some apprehension at putting such a grand claim down in print for all to see.  But there is a New Energy on the planet and for thousands who can feel its presence, many things have changed.  So, I would like to share some thoughts with you and do my best to put this New Energy into some kind of perspective.

It had been with us for a while, but didn’t become fully anchored here until September 18, 2007; so we’ve had a few months to let it sink in and begin to feel its affects.  For those who were tuned in at that time, the shift was palpable.  Any of you into numerology wouldn’t miss the significance of the 9-9-9 date – the number “9” being a powerful completion number,

In this case, the event marked the end of a two thousand year period, often referred to as the Christ Era that began with the life of Jesus of Nazareth. During these past 2000 years, we have all been evolving through many lifetimes – each time emerging just a little more conscious than the last one.  The effect has been a gradual spiritual evolution: one that has raised our vibration as a species and also that of the planet itself. After all, Mother Earth not only provides our physical environment, but our energetic one too.

So what about the end of the world in 2012?  Well, as most of you know, the Mayan calendar predicted centuries ago that the world would come to an end in the year 2012.  Of course, the tabloids had us believe it meant Armageddon and mass destruction and, in fairness, we came dangerously close to doing just that a few decades ago during the Cold War with Russia.  But more to the point, the Mayan calendar couldn’t foresee anything past that date and now we are beginning to understand why.

Simply put, the mass consciousness we all subscribe to, creates our collective reality in terms of what’s happening today and what we attract to ourselves in our collective future.  It’s the same consciousness that removed the finger from the nuclear trigger back then and the same group consciousness that always gives us the government we deserve.  So the predicted end of this era was a Mayan projection of where our group energy would be in 2012, as seen through the influences of the stars and planets.  We just happened to get there a few years early, thanks to many of you and thousands more just like you across the planet.

Like the majority of folks who read Tone Magazine, I have been consciously aware for many years.  I think my first ‘healing’ took place in the mid 80’s and since then I’ve taken every opportunity to heal the wounds of abandonment, self worth and let’s not forget, wounded children: each time de-layering these issues inch by inch.  Like each one of you perhaps, my soul’s agenda for this lifetime has unfolded slowly and never a moment before I was ready.

I always knew when the healing came, because I felt ‘lighter’ as the issues melted away and the heavy unwanted energies were released, only to be replaced by a higher level of conscious awareness each time.  As my vibration and awareness increased over the years, so did the vibration of those around me and this simply added to the energetic pool in which we all swim. Multiply this effect by the tens of thousands of people going through similar experiences around the world and we begin to understand the accelerated increase in the vibration of mass consciousness over the last three decades.  And that has been the key to this energetic shift, that some have called the “Quantum Leap”.

You see, somewhere on the planet, sometime during the 18th of September, someone raised their vibration just enough for it to reach an energetic ‘critical mass’ which allowed this New Energy to come in and finally anchor itself on the planet.  Who knows, it might have been you that “popped” back then.  If it was you, you have my deepest gratitude.  And for those who are not aware of its presence, or simply believe the whole idea of New Energy is nonsense, the world will go on as usual.  In any event, they have my gratitude also, because all energies need to be counter-balanced.

In truth, there is not a lot known about this New Energy – there is so much that is yet to unfold, because it is quite new.  Nothing like it has ever existed here before.  We are told that it goes beyond duality and holds the promise of great creative potential for anyone choosing to tap into it.  But you will have to leave your ‘old energy’ baggage behind when you do.  This energy isn’t like anything we have been used to in this lifetime – or any other lifetime for that matter.  We literally need to step out of the old patterns of thinking and behaviour before the full potential of this New Energy will work for us.

So, as a teacher of New Energy Consciousness, what would I teach you?  The answer is “nothing”, because there truly is nothing for you to learn.  I would however encourage you remember that which you already know at the deepest level of your Spirit:

First, you are a sovereign being and all powerful Creator who is manifesting your reality in every moment. That you are totally responsible for everything that happens to you and when you ground that concept, it becomes the most liberating realization of all: for if there is something about your life you don’t like – you can change it.  Indeed, you can create anything you choose.

That blaming anything outside yourself for the misfortunes in your life is a waste of time, since you drew these “misfortunes” to yourself for a reason.  When we understand that, they become opportunities for growth, cleverly orchestrated by our shadow.  We have all carried the burdens of our “baggage” for far too long, in some cases 2000 years, and it’s now time to leave our wounds behind in the old energy environment.

We can be done with duality in this lifetime and the drama it relentlessly sucks us into.  The New Energy on the planet is vibrating so high, that we can enjoy the magnificence of this Third Dimensional illusion, without being dragged down into it. I would encourage you to take the 10,000 ft view of your life and give up being attached to your ‘story’.

We have a right to live in joy and abundance.  And that gratitude and forgiveness are two qualities of the heart that will take us there quicker than any other state of being.

And finally, we are on a Soul Journey where free will is the golden rule.  We can choose to live in insufficiency, judgement, unworthiness and fear, or we can surrender the navigation of this amazing adventure to Spirit and know with absolute certainty that we are never alone and always cared for.  And that one day we will return Home to share our stories with all the supporting actors in our 3D drama play, be they villains and heroes alike.  How wonderful that will be!