Healing From The Heart of The Soul

Fotolia 31992991 XSTone Magazine – February 2009 Issue  

What is healing or more accurately, what is true healing?  When can you say with certainty that you are truly healed?  Now, that’s a loaded question and one with a plethora of answers.  That’s because true healing can occur at so many different levels, most of them which we are not aware.  Before you can begin your own healing process, you must take a look at the variety of places in yourself that need to be healed.

The first and most apparent place that healing occurs is at the physical level. When our bodies get sick with illness and disease, we say we need to be healed and most often, we put ourselves in the hands of western medical doctors who will treat us at the physical level.  Unfortunately, because they are only treating the illness or disease that has appeared on the physical body, they are only “curing” from the most superficial place possible.  The truth is that all disease and illness happen first in multiple places within the individual, and when it finally shows itself in the physical aspect, we then only become aware of a process that may have taken years to finally manifest itself.  I have great respect for the medical profession.  I worked in it for many years and saw many patients go through the process of disease and illness with the attitude of “fighting it”.  Most people will take this attitude and fight against the very thing that is calling them into a much deeper opportunity of healing.  Asking oneself why the disease manifested itself in the first place is a very good place to start and understanding that anything you fight against is just going to fight back.

The second place that healing needs to occur is at the emotional level.  This is probably one of the most difficult places to do personal healing, but it is the most rewarding.  In all my years in the “healing” business, I have come to understand that all true healing comes from the emotional layer.  The most common cause of emotional dysfunction is from not feeling safe in ones environment to express their true feelings.  This usually begins in infancy or childhood when we’re told that “Good girls don’t cry”, or “Big boys are always brave.”  We believe everything we are told as children and not too many of us had the “perfect” childhood we think we did.  Quite often there were situations where we had to swallow feelings that were ready to be expressed and when we do that, the energy of that emotion usually goes into one of the lower 3 chakras in our energetic body.  This causes a block to occur, and until it is cleared at the emotional level, our suppressed feelings will prevent us from being completely present in every moment. We are constantly being dragged back emotionally to past situations, which will influence our entire lives.  It is impossible to be in the now moment if you are always being drawn into the past.

The third place that healing needs to take place is at the mental level.  What we believe to be true for ourselves and the world around us is what will either help or hinder any healing process.  Belief systems are responsible for just about everything we do and how we interact with others.  They also tell us what is true for each of us, and if you have the belief or live in fear of some terrible event befalling you, chances are you will draw that very event to yourself.  The Law of Attraction really does work, and it works whether you are thinking positive thoughts, or negative ones.  When it comes to disease and illness, most people will die from the diagnosis (you can’t really die anyway).  When we hear the word “cancer”, most of us go into fear since we “believe” that to have it means having to fight it to the death.  Unfortunately, when you give your own personal power away to a group of beliefs that hold that journey and that outcome, you will be in for a difficult ride.

The fourth place that healing occurs is in our energetic system.  Everything is made up of energy, even our physical body.  This system includes the chakras and our aura which function at a very high vibration.  So high actually that we really have to work at seeing them with our physical eyes.  In truth, disease doesn’t just appear on the physical body.  It first has to come in from the energetic body, through the mental system, into the emotional system until it finally hits the physicality. We are actually very high vibrational beings existing at many different levels all at the same time. We have created our physical bodies not from the inside out, but from the outside in.  Therefore, if we can learn how to balance all aspects of our being, and heal energetic, mental and emotional issues, we need never have illness or disease manifest itself on the physical body.

This all sounds nice and neat and tidy I’m sure.  Most alternative healers today as well as eastern medicine will treat not just the physical body, but all the other bodies as well.  But the reality we live in says that people around us are dying.  Their physical body gets sick; maybe they do all the alternative healing they can, balance their energy, deal with their emotions and belief systems, think positive and do everything they can to bring true healing to their lives.  Why then, after all that work, do people still die?   That brings us to the most important aspect of who we are and the part of us that is already healed in every way- our soul energy.

As a practitioner in the healing arts, I have spent many years helping people heal themselves, and not just at the physical level, but at the emotional, mental and energetic levels as well. My work though has taken me much deeper into the healing process, and that of course is healing from the spiritual or soul level.   Your soul is the part of you that knows your life plan.  It knows where you’ve been and where you’re going.  It has an agenda for you that usually has nothing to do with the agenda your personality has for you.  That is why once you begin to get in touch with your own soul energy and understand your true path in this lifetime, you will find the only healing you will ever need since it affects every other part of you.  It is healing from the highest vibrational place the physical body can withstand as it washes away every imbalance that might exist in the mental, emotional, energetic and physical bodies.  Understanding disease and illness from the souls’ perspective and why it’s there in the first place can go a long way towards healing it. Sometimes it is for our own personal growth; sometimes when death occurs, it is for the personal growth and healing of others.

Seeing beyond our five sensory world and letting go of fear in our lives is not an easy task and one that has taken me many years but it hasn’t happened for nothing.  I believe we are always led to exactly the places we are supposed to be in every moment and that nothing happens without a reason.  I am beginning to draw to me those who want the same experiences. Putting them into words and teaching them will be challenging, but I am ready to bring forth my soul energy so others can begin to understand theirs and the exciting journey we are all on.  Experiencing the heart of the soul is the journey after all and one that many won’t experience until lifetimes have passed.  I’m not waiting- there is only the now moment and I don’t know about you, but I want all my now moments to be healed ones.