The “Nuts and Bolts” of Creation

For those of us who remember when the New Age way of thinking really was new, it’s been quite encouraging to see the explosion of spiritual awareness that’s taken place over the past thirty years. Back then, on this continent at least, conversations that included auras and chakras would either get you branded as ‘weird’ at a formal dinner party, or ‘lucky’ if used as a pickup line at the local bar. Happily, we’ve all come a long way since then.

That’s because there is more ‘channeled’ information coming through from the higher realms, than ever before. The vibration on the planet has never been higher than it is today. Concepts like ‘we are not alone on our spiritual journey’ and that we are inseparably ‘body, mind and spirit’, have become easier to understand, thanks to authors like Neale Donald Walsch and Deepak Chopra. They, and many others, have tapped into their own higher levels of consciousness and pass on these beautiful messages for the price of a paperback.

But the current wave of information coming through has some people puzzled. I’m referring to the notion that we ‘create our own reality’. Movies like ‘The Secret’ and the entire Abraham–Hicks series of books are best sellers, and rightly so. For they offer a wonderful message of empowerment. If we really do create our reality in this material, Third Dimensional world, then we can surely change anything about our lives that we don’t like. And this includes all aspects of health, wealth and happiness – empowering concepts, indeed.

So, what kind of problems are people having? You’d think that such a simple, life-changing teaching would have folks beating the doors down to get on the ‘create your reality train’. After all, do you know anyone who doesn’t have something in their life they’d like to change? I surely don’t.

My wife Wendy and I have worked together for a number of years and teach a series of workshops on the mechanics of deliberate creation; and one of our favorite workshops is called, “Creating your Perfect Life.” Over the course of five or so hours we turn skeptics into believers and often manage to make a few friends along the way. We both have strong backgrounds in working with energy and have noticed certain pitfalls, or even roadblocks, where people get stuck in their creational process. I’d like to share some of these with you.

As most of you already know, the idea that we create our reality is based on the universal Law of Attraction. Simply put, like attracts like. Or, we attract to ourselves what we put out ‘energetically’. Everything in this inclusive universe is a vibration of one kind or another so the life you are experiencing right now is a creation of the thoughts and feelings you had a while ago. So, if your life is a mess and that statement feels like a kick in the head don’t worry; this is just a snapshot of where you are in this moment. Own what you’ve created this far and begin to create something different.

The most common stumbling block comes in understanding which part of you is doing the creating in the first place. No, that’s not New Age double-speak. We need to appreciate that everyone operates at three fundamental levels of consciousness which have to be in alignment; otherwise we give out mixed signals to the universe.

Your main platform of consciousness is the one you’re in right now, reading this. We call that our ‘Personality’. It’s the part of us that wants more money, a better job or improved health etc. At this level, the personality uses its five senses to establish what is real in our lives and many are tricked into believing that this reality is all there is. They couldn’t be more wrong.

We also have a Super-conscious self. Call it Soul, Spirit, Higher Self or Divinity – it doesn’t really matter what we call it. It’s that part of you, operating at a much higher vibration than the personality, that knows your spiritual plan for this lifetime. It has an agenda and our ‘free will’ is all about whether we choose to surrender to that agenda, or not. Those who do stop struggling become deeply committed on their spiritual path and find that creating from this higher dimensional level brings extraordinary results.

But our lowest vibrations are reserved for the subconscious energies and here is where we carry our wounds, among other things. Issues of unworthiness, abandonment and wounded inner children reside here in an energetic state, ready to influence the messages we send out to the universe – often contradicting the desires of our conscious personality. So, when we passionately declare, “I choose to be abundant”, but the subconscious part of us believes otherwise and puts out the vibration, “I’m not worth it”, the end result, more often than not, is an unfulfilled dream.

You see, the ‘universe’ we speak of is just an energetic extension of ourselves. It stands ready to provide a limitless stream of wellbeing to give us everything we desire, and we communicate with it through our aura and chakras. When these become clogged with emotional wounds and limiting beliefs, we quite literally push away the abundance that our spiritual universe is trying so hard to provide.

So stripping away these limitations is an important part of clearing the pathway to the life you’ve always wanted. And the first step in creating yourself anew is to understand what they are and how they work. That’s why our workshops go into all aspects of the creation and healing process; including chakras, auras, sub-personalities and belief systems. We put it all together like pieces of a puzzle and help you discover the powerful creator you already are.

But back in 2007 Wendy and I decided to take this even further and create The Awakening Angels School for Healing and Enlightenment – it was really Wendy’s brainchild – to bring together our combined experience in the field of energetic spiritual healing, and teach others what we know in a setting of three, four day intensive retreats spread over about a year. The results have been extraordinary; just ask our first class of Certified Energy Healers who graduated this past June. We are proud of each and every one of them and the healing they bring into the community.

For more information, we invite you to check out our website .