An imaginary story of what happens when our earthly life is over and we go back Home …
They sat around a large table in their celestial mansion sipping spiritual martinis and reminiscing over their last lifetime together on Earth. It had been exciting, adventurous and terrifying, especially the devastating train crash at the end that sent them all Home and into the waiting arms of Azrael, the loving Angel of Death. He had been so pleased to see them all again. These half dozen souls had journeyed together as a family since the beginning of time like a group of traveling players each acting their chosen part in one earthly drama after the next.
Lintar was the first to speak as he raised his glass in the air. “I propose a toast to honour all the magnificent souls who were part of our many physical experiences. May we continue to grow and know ourselves more deeply with each passing lifetime.” The others followed with similar salutations and knew exactly what was coming next. They shuffled in their seats with excited anticipation and waited for Lintar to continue. “I’ve been thinking,” he mused out loud, “we need a new plan.
I think in our next lifetime I would like to be a successful businessman,” he began. “Yes, wealth and comfort this time and how about a loving wife and family to complete the picture?” He glanced over at Minoc, his trusted companion, who could read his mind in an instant.
‘I’ve got it,” she said as her eyes lit up. “I’ll wait a year to be born in the same neighbourhood you grow up in. We can become childhood sweethearts and get married soon after High School” She thought for a moment or two longer. “Let’s have three children by the time we are in our early twenties.”
Three small hands on the other side of the table shot into the air. “Can we play the children,” they shouted all together? “Please … please ….. please!” Lintar smiled at the mockery. His three “children” were as old as he was. They just liked getting into character as early as possible.
“Good, that’s settled,” he went on and summed up the plan thus far. “High School sweethearts; loving family and a successful business by the time I’m forty. That sounds great”
“That sounds utterly boring,” contradicted Suto in a sexy, sultry voice. She was the only one who hadn’t added her ten cents worth to the conversation yet. “How about I wait ten or fifteen years to be born and you hire me as your personal, private secretary when the time is right. I can be the femme fatale of the story. I can see me now — long beautiful hair and flashing blue eyes. Darling, you won’t be able to resist me — count on it!”
And with that, the plan began to gain momentum. “Good,” exclaimed Minoc. “You can have a long and passionate affair with my husband and after about a year, I get to discover your treachery.”
“Then what?” said Lintar, wondering what his soul mates were cooking up next.
‘Well,” said his wife-to-be, I will divorce you and take all your money: the children will hate you and never want to see you again?’
Before she could finish her train of thought, Lintar jumped right back in. “Yes,” he agreed excitedly. “And then I’ll go into a deep depression and lose my company as well. So before I come back Home I can experience despair. I’ve always wanted to experience the depths of despair. The utter hopelessness of having lost everything and everyone I ever loved in my life. I think I will choose to die a destitute beggar on the streets of Cleveland in winter. That should do it. But what about you guys? Everyone has to get something out of this drama.
Minoc thought for a while. “I guess I would experience betrayal, wouldn’t I? After all, you were the only man I ever loved and I gave you the best years of my life.”
The vibration of the room suddenly went up by several octaves as the presence of The Creator was felt. She touched Minoc gently on the shoulder and whispered for all to hear, “Don’t forget “forgiveness” my little ones. Your drama will give you all a great opportunity to forgive those you feel have “wronged” you.”
“I’ll try to remember,” said Minoc, “but when we are in that heavy earthly energy it isn’t easy.”
“I know,” The Creator replied, “but when you forgive, you vibrate as I do and all wounds can be healed. These dark experiences you are choosing will allow you know yourself as only Love and Light. So, bon voyage on your next journey and remember that my Angels and I will always be with you, even in your darkest moments.” And with that, The Creator left the room.
They turned to Suto who had already given some thought to her part in the play. “I could experience guilt at breaking up a family and ruining the life of a good man. But what about the children — what would they get out of the drama?”
The three “children” were now totally in character and running around the room playing leap frog. They went into a huddle and after a while Putar spoke up on behalf of the trio. “This experience will give all three of us some powerful emotions to deal with,” he began. ‘We will hate our father for hurting our mother so badly, but at the same lime, we will resent her for taking us away from him. By the time he leaves us we will have grown to love him so much that the abandonment will be unbearable. Oh yes, we will also have the opportunity to forgive him, but that, most likely, won’t come until we get older and the emotional wounds aren’t quite so raw.”
Lintar stroked his chin and smiled. “Now that sounds like a plan! All we have to do now is to incarnate and forget it.”
The Shakespeare quote that, “All the world’s a stage and we men and women merely players,” is true at the deepest spiritual level. We are incarnations of our soul with a plan to experience it all over every lifetime, past, present and future; and our soul family dutifully play their parts along the way. But remember, the one who comes into your life and hurts you, betrays you, or causes you any of the darkest experience laid out in your Life Plan, is also the one who loves you the most. For who else would love you enough to give you that experience?